How to Get Rid of Mold?

Because Singapore has a tropical climate, mold in buildings is a common problem. Mold growth is frequent in indoor and outdoor places like homes, offices, and industrial spaces.

The hot and humid climate condenses the air, allowing mold and mildew to grow.

Mold is a type of microorganism. It is a fungus that grows in moist environments. Those areas that contain a lot of water, such as bathrooms and kitchens, are prone to mold growth. 

Mold, dampness, and fungus problems are common in the home. Mildew is the name given to the mold that grows in the house, and a flat growth habit on the surface.

There are numerous methods for cleaning molds on your own, or you can hire any professional mold removal service or painting service company.

In this article, we’ll look at how to get rid of mold.

Why Do You Want to Get Rid of Mold?


Painting peel and mold problem before painting job

It impacts negatively on the interiors of homes as well as personal health. Some molds are not toxic to humans.

Molds in the house have an impact on the health of those who live there. I would not recommend living with mold as a good idea.

Within 24 to 48 hours, mold will grow on any type of moist surface. It is most frequently found in bathrooms, kitchens, ceilings, pipelines, roof leaks, windows, walls, and ceiling tiles.

Mold remediation products can be found in the market to remove mold. However, it contains some chemicals. You can use natural cleaning products to remove mold and mildew.

Refer: How to Prepare a Room for Repainting?

5 Mold Removal Methods:

First, inspect the mold area to determine what type of mold it is, how much it covers the area, and what kind of remedies to prepare. 

Then, which mold treatment is best for cleaning the surface? 

The mold can be removed using the prepared solution or chemicals. Mold is a common problem in humid climates. As a result, you must remove mold regularly.

A variety of mold removal methods exist that employ simple ingredients. The molds are removed from the surface.

To get rid of mold, start preparing a mixture first. These methods only cover small areas that are affected by molds. 

If there is a large amount of mold on the surface, you will need to seek professional mold removal services.

Stop immediately and seek professional help if you feel any discomfort while cleaning. Be sure to take precautions to maintain your safety. 

Precautions  to Take Before Removing Mold:

Prepare yourself first rather than beginning the solutions. Wear goggles, rubber gloves, and, most importantly, a mask.

Mix the solutions with the stick. Before you start, make sure that no children or elderly people in the house are in the mold-cleaning area.

You should open the windows but not the doors to prevent the spores from spreading to other rooms in the house. Let’s look at how to get rid of molds.

Using Vinegar to Clean Mold:

Because vinegar contains an acidic component, it disinfects the fungus. It slowly degrades the molds and kills them.

Vinegar is used in almost every household. So, you can use it as a disinfectant on occasion. The vinegar can’t dilute with water.

Because combining it with water does not produce the desired results. The vinegar kills 80 percent of the mold on the surface. 

So, What Should You Do Now?

Remain cautious before killing the mold. Fill the spray bottle halfway with vinegar and spray it on the moldy surface.

Allow sitting for one hour. Then, take the brush and rinse it with water. The mold is clean, but stains remain.

You have to use a household cleaner to remove the stains. If it smells of vinegar, it goes down within a few minutes.

Baking Soda Act as a Mold Cleaner:

Baking soda is an excellent stain remover that also kills fungi. You can mix a few other ingredients with baking soda to get successful outcomes with each of the substances.

Mix two parts baking soda and portion water. Make a thick paste and cover the mold with it. To consider removing the mold, you must wait 45 to 60 minutes and then use a cleaner.

The stains and mold have been completely removed. You can make the best mold cleaner by combining the above paste with one part vinegar. 

Simply, combine baking soda and borax with water. It also produces the best results when it comes to mold removal.

Getting Rid of Mold With Chlorine Bleach:

 Bleaching powder is chlorine-based lime and is used as a cleaning solution in water treatment. It works well as a mold cleaner.

Mix one cup of bleach with a few cups of water. Mix it thoroughly before applying it to the affected area.

Don’t clean the portion right away; instead, stay up for an hour to work on molds. After the mold as well as splotches have been removed from the surface, you can wash the area.

Mold-Fighting Solution Based on Hydrogen Peroxide:

It kills mold and completely removes stains from surfaces. Hydrogen peroxide is less dangerous than chlorine on the beach.

Furthermore, it is not as effective as chlorine bleach. Consider taking a three-percentage-concentration hydrogen peroxide solution but also pour it into a spray bottle.

Spray on mold and start cleaning up after 30 minutes.

Mold Removal with Ammonia:

Ammonia is a mold-fighting agent. Combine one part ammonia and one part water in a spray bottle. Spray this solution on the wall and let it sit for two to three hours. This clears the mold and removes stains.

Never combine any solution with ammonia. Bleach and household cleaners containing ammonia are toxic and emit dangerous fumes.

When working with ammonia, you should always exercise extreme caution.


Mold is one of Singapore’s most serious problems. The methods listed above are for cleaning mold in homes and other enclosed spaces.

However, it is not appropriate for the house’s outdoor area. These methods are not appropriate for commercial buildings.

It is not a long-term solution for mold removal. Always take precautions when doing so.

If the mold has spread to a wide area, you must contact a professional mold removal service to clean the surface.

Also Read: How to Get Rid of Mold on the Ceiling?

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